Welcome to Innerstellar – Mark Mittlesteadt Blogs


So why the name Innerstellar? I’m sure most of you have seen the movie Interstellar. While I am going to help you explore the Universe, the goal of my website and blogs is to help you on a journey towards finding your “inner” self by exploring the Universe. In today’s mad, crazy, fast-paced, hectic world that can be difficult to find and even harder to maintain.

After years of pouring my soul into art and music, I went back to school to study psychology, and along the way I also wrote the best-selling book “The Alchemy of Purpose” that helps people discover their purpose. Much of what drove me to write it, was my lifelong pursuits of the creative arts, but actually it was my passion for astronomy that gave me a perspective on life I simply could not find anywhere else, not even out in our own Earthly natural world that I had explored for so long. 

Looking out among the stars, one can only wonder what is out there beyond us and contemplate our very existence.  This is the purpose of my blogs. To help those who are looking for answers to life. Much of what we are looking for can be found “out there”, for we too are out there among the billions of stars residing among billions of other galaxies. 

So let us explore the Universe together. I will help you along the way. I will begin with the basics of astronomy, the tools you can use and how to use them, but also offer my own philosophical perspective on our place in the Universe. 

Welcome! And check back often.  







Look Up: What Are You Looking For? Part 1 – The Moon and Planets

Look Up: What Are You Looking For? Part 1 – The Moon and Planets   Astronomy is one of those pursuits that very few ever take up. Yet, we all look up at the night sky occasionally. Sometimes the Moon rising looks so big that


An Astronomical Perspective

An Astronomical Perspective                 If we are ever going to imagine with limitless possibilities, we first have to remove the limitation from our thoughts. I’m talking about a major shift in our thinking so that we understand not only our place within our family,


The Law of Attraction & The Quantum Field of Energy

  Voodoo? Magic? Just a bunch of nonsense that has nothing to do with reality and is merely the fantasy of people who are in denial? What is it about the Law of Attraction that so many find to be lacking in logic or having


Exploring the Universe – Size Matters But It’s Always a Compromise

Maybe 50 years ago, back when light pollution didn’t rob us of the glorious views we no longer have access to, as a child of the 60’s I used to lay on my back out in the yard at night and just look up and


“Welcome to the new Innerstellar Blog Page. Here, you find all different kinds of content, from tips, how-to’s, and reviews of astronomy gear, as well as many philosophical musings about how astronomy can help shape or alter our perspective on life. ”

Mark Mittlesteadt

Creative Director





Life Coach